Natural Gas Traders With Storage Bets: 'Ready, Aim … (Mis)Fire?'

 | Aug 31, 2023 10:14

  • Risk that forecasters would miss big again on gas storage for week to Aug 25 
  • Front-month gas hits two-week high above $2.80, could scale 
  • Unknown in Hurricane Idalia could keep market bubbling, though downside risks 
  • It was such an odd and bizarre miss, that some in the natural gas trade have just taken to calling it  “a fluke” — for those wanting higher prices. 

    Yet, there’s a risk that the 18 billion cubic feet storage build reported by the US Energy Information Administration, or EIA, for the week ended Aug 18 — versus the 33 bcf forecast — could recur in the agency’s latest inventory report due later today, with a different set of numbers, of course.

    Houston-based energy markets advisory Gelber & Associates raised this possibility in its daily note on the gas market, citing also uncertainties hereafter from Hurricane Idalia, which sent gas futures rallying 10% on Wednesday to a two-week high of $2.829.