Cotton: The Crop We May Have Taken For Granted Faces An Output Crisis

 | Sep 23, 2022 10:36

  • Cotton jumps 17% in August but then gives all back
  • Charts suggest an immediate weakening back to July bottom of under 83 cents
  • But cotton could also rebound to recapture highs of $1.1085
  • Prices and demand aside, commodity faces one of its biggest crop challenges ever
  • After leaping 17% for its biggest rally in almost 12 years in August, cotton has given back all of those spectacular gains in less than a month, leaving bulls in the game wondering where the market is headed directionally. 

    Charts suggest a further weakening to July’s lows of beneath 83 cents per pound, which in itself was a 14-month bottom. Ahead of Friday’s US open, December, the front-month cotton contract on December delivery on ICE Futures US was below 96 cents. If the downside flagged by the chart signals is correct, it means cotton could lose another 13 cents, or almost 14%, before the bear streak is over. 

    The gloomy outlook isn’t helped by the Federal Reserve and other central banks’ recent rate hikes that are aimed at fighting inflation, but instead creating the fear of a global economic slowdown—which is anathema to a commodity like cotton.