Chart Of The Day: U.S. Dollar Fundamentals Obvious, Technicals More Complex

 | Feb 23, 2022 15:20

Despite record dollar printing recently, the US Dollar Index's trajectory remains higher, buoyed, among other things, by America's rapid economic recovery from the recession caused by the pandemic and now its highest level of inflation in decades.

The 40-year-high spike in prices is likely to force the Fed to remain true to its fiscal policy mandate to tighten liquidity and increase rates, even at the expense of political considerations. In contrast, central banks in the eurozone, Switzerland, and Japan continue to drag their feet on rate hikes, providing USD holders with favorable interest rate differentials.

Additionally, the ongoing crisis vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine, which also involves the US and western European allies, serves up yet another reason why global investors do well to move their holdings to dollar denominations, since the world's most stable political system supports the greenback's value.

However, trading is never as simple as taking a fundamental reading of a situation and placing bets accordingly. There are often layers of complexity and almost always surprises. To that point, right now the dollar is under technical pressure.